IVF Success Rates Under 35: Everything You May Want to Know

Are you in your early 30s and wondering if you could still achieve a healthy pregnancy through IVF? This article will help you find out.

This article will discuss how IVF assists a couple’s conception, common factors that determine IVF result, what IVF success rates under 35 is, along with basic tips on how you can improve your chances of IVF success.

How Does IVF Work?

Before we straightforwardly head towards the statistics and more complex aspects, it is foremost that we first have the basic understanding of how an IVF cycle works; to help a woman attain and sustain a healthy pregnancy.

IVF or in-vitro fertilisation is a clinical pregnancy technique. IVF basically helps a couple struggling to conceive naturally; through sexual intercourse be able to conceive healthily by assisting their conception process, or you can say, by eliminating the possible issues that lead to a failed conception attempt.

As the name suggests, IVF is a pregnancy procedure that makes fertilization take place outside the women’s body, usually in an advanced laboratory. IVF starts with sperm retrieval where the intended father’s sperm is collected, washed and concentrated to classify the healthiest sperms that are more likely to fertilize the woman’s egg successfully. Then, the woman is given some fertility drugs to trigger ovulation and produce multiple mature eggs for retrieval. Now, egg retrieval takes place where an endocrinologist (IVF doctor) retrieves or collects produced mature eggs from the ovarian follicles with the help of a suction device attached to a tiny needle.

Once sperm and egg retrieval occur successfully, the endocrinologist will fertilize the eggs by the intended father’s sperm in a lab and the successfully fertilised eggs will then be transferred to an incubator where they will develop into embryos for 5 to 7 days. Throughout incubation, the endocrinologist will monitor each embryo and select the embryo with the most potential to result in a healthy pregnancy for embryo transfer. Now, the healthiest embryo will be transferred back to the woman’s uterus and a blood test will be taken after 14 days of embryo transfer to check increased hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels and conclude a pregnancy.

Factors That Determine IVF Result

There are multiple factors that determine IVF result. These factors include:

Woman’s age

Age plays a key role at determining IVF results, not specifically for women but men as well. As women age, their egg quality and reserve starts to decrease. With low ovarian egg reserve and poor quality eggs, it eventually becomes difficult for the fertilisation to occur successfully or sustain the embryo’s growth.


Certain studies have declared that women who are overweight or underweight, and women who have habits of smoking, drinking alcohol or taking some recreational drugs have a higher possibility of suffering from infertility, leading to failed pregnancy attempts.

Presence of fertility disorders

Certain fertility disorders in women such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and irregular ovulation can affect fertilisation and lead to failed conception.

IVF doctor

Even if you are taking help from a fertility specialist and still not being able to get intended results, you must consider the

best IVF centre in Gurgaon. Find an IVF doctor who is qualified, experienced, reputed and must hold a high IVF success rate. Get all necessary preconception check ups done and consult with the fertility specialist before you conclude to go for another IVF cycle.

IVF Success Rates Under 35

Certain case studies have confirmed that women who are under 35 are very likely to give a live birth through IVF treatment. A recent case study by Society for Reproductive Technology (SART) concludes that women who are under 35 have over 55.6% chances of successfully achieving and sustaining a healthy pregnancy through IVF.

As earlier mentioned, IVF success rates drop as the women age. It is because women have a decline in their ovarian reserve, their egg quality decreases, and they may develop certain fertility disorders such as endometriosis, fibroids, PCOS or irregular ovulation cycles. Similarly, men with aging can have a decline in their sperm count and quality as well; which may also contribute to their failed conception attempt. However, if you are not able to conceive successfully with conventional IVF either, you may consider IVF with donor eggs, sperm or embryos, IVF with ICSI, or surrogacy as an option to have a child. Though IVF with donor or ICSI may add up a bit into your IVF cost in Gurgaon, but women who are over 35 and cannot conceive with IUI or conventional IVF can still achieve pregnancy through these treatment advancements.

How to Improve IVF Success Chances

Get your lifestyle right, maintain a healthy body weight, eat healthy, get necessary preconception check ups done and find a fertility clinic as if Grace Fertility that is lead by a team of expert fertility doctors, holds a high IVF success rate, is reputed and provides treatment at a reasonable fee. You have a very good chance of achieving a healthy pregnancy through IVF when you are under 35, just consult with a good endocrinologist and undergo an IVF cycle tailored only for you.

The Bottom Line

When you are under 35, you have a decent chance of achieving and sustaining a healthy pregnancy through IVF treatment. All you need to make certain is, you are giving your best shot by getting all preconception tests done for your reproductive health assessment, improving your overall lifestyle and choosing the right IVF doctor for the treatment.